Thank you for allowing us to use your asset pack free of charge. I got great use out of them for button prompts and by making certain inputs more clear for the player.
Here is the project I completed with the help of your work!
Olá, sou brasileiro e estou desenvolvendo um jogo 2D, gostaria de pedir a sua autorização para utilizar esses elementos no meu jogo! Ficaria muito agradecido, no aguardo.
Hey bro, add a part of your keys to a compilation that I am making, I am giving you the respective credits within the same file and also within the same page
← Return to asset pack
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thanks dude its awesome.
Thank you! I am using this for a Jam!
I used this in my game. Its in progress so i cant show you anything yet.
Is the license CC0?
Use it wherever you want, for whatever you want
Thank you for allowing us to use your asset pack free of charge. I got great use out of them for button prompts and by making certain inputs more clear for the player.
Here is the project I completed with the help of your work!
Awesome! :D Thanks for letting me know
yes :)
Can I use this for a help screen in my game?
Thank you!
sure thing
those are beautiful. i will use it
credits to you
thank ya
sweet. The game looks really good
Hello i used this to show controls in my time survival game on steam:
The assets and you are listed in the credits :)
nice. thank you
I got a demo here on itch now in case youd like to try it :)
Hi, Im creating a 2D Unity game and would like to use your assets for some of the UI elements would that be okay?
sure thing
Hey, am I able to use these in a commercial project?
yes. sorry for taking so long lol
So im making a game in Unreal Engine that will be on Epic Games Store. Does i can use these assets for control hints?
im gonna credit you if i use this someday
Olá, sou brasileiro e estou desenvolvendo um jogo 2D, gostaria de pedir a sua autorização para utilizar esses elementos no meu jogo! Ficaria muito agradecido, no aguardo.
Hey bro, add a part of your keys to a compilation that I am making, I am giving you the respective credits within the same file and also within the same page
look it here
awesome. thanks
This asset is just too good!!
I will use it for my game project...
thank you
hey! this looks great! can i use it for a web i am programming please?
Hi, Im creating a 2D Unity game and would like to use your assets for some of the UI elements would that be okay? :)
Very exquisite
Thanks :
Hi Dream Mix,
Awesome keyboard. Would love to use it in my Open Source games from now on. Could you specify the license terms in more detail please? Or is this CC0?
Thank you for your work and time!
You can use it in your work. :)
I used these in a game I made. I hope thats okay.
Check it out:
Can we use this in a game Jam?
Yes. You can use them wherever you want
man i love these images can i use these for my clickspeeding website for keyboards
Hey, am I able to use these in a commercial project?
Hey, am I able to use these in a commercial project?
Sure thing